Redefining the fertility journey status quo


Hi, I’m Avery!

I was born 6 days before my brother and sister. Together, we defined the meaning of normal. Our births inspired my mother to look for alternative methods to care for us. My birth was the beginning of my passion for alternative health.

Through our experiences, my mom taught me to trust, believe, and never give up. In times of struggle, with hormone balancing, figuring out why your body is “failing you.” when all is what a baby is when it’s most important. Continue to trust the process and never stop searching for answers.

Now, I help women live in synergy with their bodies, conceive consciously, and bring healthy and happy babies into the world.

Fertility Intensive

A 1:1 session designed for you to gain clarity, and insight, and learn what your labs tell you (from a functional perspective).

Get My Guides

These guides help you on your journey, from opening your drainage pathways to tracking ovulation, optimizing fertility, and balancing your hormones.

Learn how to support healthy progesterone levels for painless periods, less PMS, and simple conception

Learn how to open and support your drainage pathways for optimal hormone health

Learn everything you need to know for tracking ovulation to consciously conceive or naturally avoid pregnancy

  • “I want to help women have access to knowledge and gain a sense of empowerment by choosing to take care of themselves.”

Work With Me

Work With Me

Let’s support your body and womb to become it’s most fertile ever, and figure out the root of your fertility issues for a healthy and conscious conception.


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Let's be email friends!

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